Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 2 (October 28, 2010)

I had more sleeping problems last night which doesn't make any sense since I took an Advil PM. It was similar to what happened Monday night - being really scared, jerking violently when I'd nod off but I didn't see anything this time thank god. I've been on the welbutrin since the 19th without this shit happening so why is it happening now??? I'm getting pissed off. I usually take my 2nd dose in the evening so today I'm going to try to take it at 5pm and see if that helps. Maybe I've been taking it too close to bedtime. I can't handle these "nighttime terrors" for much longer.

I also wanted to stop using the nicotine patch because I don't want to put off the withdrawal symptoms. However, I don't think I can. I found out that each cigarette I smoked contained 1 mg of nicotine, so I was consuming about 15 mg/day (frequently even more than that). My patch has 7 mg of nicotine. Maybe I'll just stay on it for just a few more days. I really don't want to though.

All in all, Day 2 sucks ass so far. I'm tired, my stomach hurts, my mouth tastes funny, the sun is shining too fucking bright into my office. I'm seriously doubting the the strength and fortitude of my willpower army but I'm not giving up on them yet. Maybe I somehow ended up with a French army in my brain. CRAP.

3:03pm Again I said to myself, "need a smoke break" and came to the harsh realization that no, I cannot have a tasty, satisfying menthol cigarette. Is it a good thing that I keep forgetting that I quit? I have no freaking clue but I do know it's annoying as hell.

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