Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 20 (November 15)

Day 20 should be easier than, say, Day 10 right? Yeah, no. It's not. I have no idea why but the past 3 days have been almost as hard as the first 3 days. The only way I will be happy is if I could move into a cabin in the woods and not have any contact with anything that could remotely annoy me. 

I'm trying to figure out why it's been so bad and there's one possibility. I drove a ton Friday and Saturday and smoking and driving go hand in hand. Another possibility is not sleeping enough. I'm stupid and don't like taking sleep aids so I'm knowingly making my life suck more than it needs to suck.

I also would like to give a knuckle sandwich to anyone who told me I'd have more energy now that I've quit. Maybe I would if I could sleep like a normal fucking person. 

My problem here is so minuscule and I feel like such a jerkass whining about not being able to smoke. 

I know I'm not going to start back up again. That would be tantamount to wrestling a grizzly bear in Sarah Palin's Alaska. I know this. I just have to suck it up and stop being a fucking baby. 20 days is pretty spectacular gosh darn it.

1 comment:

  1. First of all before I forget...when did that b!tch buy Alaska? Poor Alaska! That stupid reality show is going to further forge an association between Alaska and that mental defective for a whole generation! I may start hating polar bears... there, I said it.

    Actually C$ told me that quitting got way harder for her around 3 weeks, too. Fascinating. Well, maybe not fascinating for you. For you it is probably more like "really f*cked up" or "frigging awful."
