Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 7 (November 2)


For the first time in my long 7 days of not smoking, I forgot to put on a fresh patch this morning! I blame Matt Lauer, the jerk. So far I think I'm ok but I also need to buy a snack. Fritos? Combos? Pretzels? Oh, decisions. Chewing gum is doing nothing but giving me a splitting headache. I definitely need a snack to make me happy. I'm going to vote after work and work out like a crazy person tonight to try to break even.

Things I'm now doing to quell the urge to buy a pack: screaming "serenity now" in my head (or saying it out loud in a normal voice), taking so many deep breaths that I become lightheaded (good times) and trying to keep my mind super busy. It's not that hard today because I have to do "mathy shit" at work.

I'm quite shocked and awed that I'm 7 days in. 7 days. Technically and nontechnically, that's a WEEK. If I don't murder anyone today I wonder if that means I don't need the patch anymore. Maybe I'll replace it with a bacon patch.

 Admittedly, I still have a bit of doubt in the back of my brain because I quit before for several weeks and then, like a tard, went back to it just because I was taking a statistics course (for my own personal enrichment - mistake numero uno) after I graduated and didn't understand a lick of it. I hope that nothing difficult surfaces in my life for at least a period of 6-8 weeks. I'm shaking my fist at God right now and hope he hears me.

Edit: Thanks for the comments Hil and Beth. Yinz are right. Smoking doesn't make me. Me makes me. And if I'm not a character, I don't know who is. 

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